The results of the European Universities Initiative’s 2022 call were published by the European Commission. As of 2022, the initiative involves 44 European University alliances, consisting of 340 higher education institutions of 31 countries. Four new alliances were formed since 2021. Under the 2022 Erasmus+ call, alliances are able to accept associated partners from Bologna Process countries, including Ukraine, the United Kingdom and Switzerland, despite the latter two not being fully associated member.
University alliances are higher education institutions that cooperate on education, research and innovation for the benefit of students, educators and society. The European Universities initiative is structured around two topics: on one hand, it offers to provide sustainable funding for already existing successful alliances, on the other, the call supports the creation of new European Universities across Europe. Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Mariya Gabriel stated that such alliances can bring closer the European vision for higher education.
The goal of European Universities is to substantially increase education quality by partnering with around 1300 stakeholders from various backgrounds. It was proposed by the Commission at the Gothenburg Social Summit in 2017, as part of an overall vision for the creation of a European Education Area by 2025. This is part of the European strategy for universities ambition.