The call for nominations for the EuChemS Executive Board Elected Members is open.
You are kindly invited to make nominations through the online form below by 16 May 2025 18:00 Brussels time.
Please read carefully the nomination procedure, role and responsibilities before submitting a nomination.
The term of office of Elected Members of the Executive Board is four years. The mandate starts on 1 January of the following year. All EuChemS member organisations are invited to nominate a candidate for an Elected Member.
The nominee for Elected Member
- must be a member of a EuChemS member organisation
- should normally have served on the governing body, or as an employee, of the member organisation
A nomination must include the following supporting information: - a statement giving the reasons why the candidate should be elected (in not more than 400 words)
- a note of the candidate’s current job/recent career activity, appointments, etc
The nomination must be accompanied by a letter (maximum one page) from the President or General Secretary of the candidate’s organisation in support of the nomination, since it is expected that the member organisation will cover the costs of travelling to meetings of the General Assembly and Executive Board.
The Executive Board will consider the nominations and put forward nominations for election by the General Assembly.
The Executive Board undertakes much of its work by e-mail or other e-means and meets up to three times a year.
2.1 The Role
The primary role of an Elected Member of the EuChemS Executive Board is:
- to be a member of EuChemS Executive Board in accordance with the terms of the constitution of EuChemS aisbl (international non-profit making association) established in Belgium and the bylaws
- to ensure delivery of EuChemS constitutional objectives
- to ensure implementation of EuChemS financial plan
- to allocate resources and ensure accountability for resources expended
- to ensure good governance of EuChemS, adherence to Belgian law and other requirements and guidance
2.2 Specific responsibilities of the Executive Board under the Constitution are to:
- implement the policy of the Association and advise the General Assembly on the management of the Association
- manage the assets of the Association
- be responsible, under delegated authority for the General Assembly, for managing the scientific, educational and professional activities of the Association
- recommends the establishment and dissolution of Divisions and Working Parties in accordance with internal procedures to the General Assembly
- establish ad hoc task groups to implement the activities of the Association
- appoints the General Secretary.
2.3 Working practices
Members of the Executive Board are expected to:
- to interact by e-mail and by other e-means on matters for which the Executive Board is responsible
- to attend meetings of the Executive Board and the General Assembly (at least one per year)
- carry out such activities as may from, time to time, be delegated by the Executive Board
- each member of the Executive Board has one vote. The decisions of the Executive Board are taken by simple majority of members present. In the case of a tied vote, the person chairing the meeting shall make a decision. Members of the Executive Board act as individuals and not as representatives of their parent society. Other procedural rules of the Executive Board are laid downin governance procedures.
Please find the Call for Nominations for EuChemS Executive Board Elected Members here.