EuChemS Historical Landmark Plaques for the Legacy of Karl Ziegler and Gulio Natta inaugurated
Jun 13, 2024
The 2022 EuChemS Historical Landmark Award on the European Level was received jointly by the Max-Planck-Institut (MPI) für Kohlenforschung in Mülheim, Germany and the “Giulio Natta” Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering at the Politecnico in Milano, Italy. The plaques were awarded to the locations related to Karl Ziegler and Giulio Natta – two chemists, who, through competition and collaboration, advanced polymer chemistry and production for which they received a shared Nobel Prize.
Therefore, on this occasion, two ceremonies were held in close succession, inaugurating the plaque at both locations. Angela Agostiano, EuChemS President, Gianluca Maria Farinola, President of the Italian Chemical Soicety and Sabine Becker, GDCh Vice President held speeches at both ceremonies.
The first event was held on 17 May, in Mülheim. Frank Neese, managing Director at the MPI für Kohlenforschung, hosted the ceremony, where Alois Fürstner (MPI) held a talk on Ziegler-Natta’s research work, complemented by Guetano Guerra, former President of the Italian Chemical Society. The plaque was unveiled by Marc Buchholz, Mayor of Mülheim a.d.Ruhr, together with representatives from MPI, Politechnico Milano and EuChemS. The ceremony in Milan on 21 May was hosted by Prof. Donatella Sciuto, Rector of Politecnico di Milano. Prof. Marinella Levi, Head of the Department Of Chemistry and Simonetta D’Amico, Municipial councillor of Milan as well as Gabriele Mei from the board of EuroPlastics Italia addressed the audience. Before revealing the Plaque in the lecture hall of the politechnico’s chemistry department, the attendees could also listen keynotes by MPI Director Alois Fürstner and Maurizio Galimberti from Politechnico Di Milano.
EuChemS kindly thanks the Max-Planck-Institut (MPI) für Kohlenforschung and Politecnico di Milano for the excellent organisation of these high-quality events.
You can learn more about the EuChemS Historical Landmark Award, and see all landmarks here, and you can read more details about the Ziegler-Natta legacy here.