EuChemS at #WiFo2021
As the voice of Chemistry in Europe and a platform for discussions between citizens, policymakers and scientists, EuchemS delivers scientific evidence and advice to tackle today’s and tomorrow’s major societal challenges.
EuChemS is pleased to join the GDCh Science Forum Chemistry (WiFo) as a classic partner. For 4 days, registrants will be able to interact with the EuChemS team through its interactive virtual booth.
Enjoy science
Enjoy chemistry
Enjoy innovation
Enjoy education
Enjoy being part
At EuChemS, we share the values of WiFo and we aim to nurture a platform for scientific and policy discussion on current issues in chemistry and related fields.
For WiFo 2021, EuChemS mobilised its teams to provide you with the most up-to-date information on the latest chemistry-related and science-policy news, awards, and upcoming events in Europe and beyond.
Meet our Secretariat team!
You can chat with the EuChemS Secretariat via the EuChemS virtual booth. Come meet us, we are waiting for you!

Nineta Hrastelj
EuChemS Secretary General

Laura Jousset
Science Communication and Policy Officer

Anna Robinson
Administrative Secretary

Timothée Jourdain
Erasmus Trainee
If you wish to discover more about our activities, policy initiatives, upcoming workshops and scientific events, visit our website and learn all about our chemistry network!

EuChemS Policy Initiatives
EuChemS scientific Divisions and Working Parties enhance networking in their own fields of expertise and promote collaboration with other European and international organisations.
Meet our team!
and discover more about their events and awards
The Events of the EuChemS Professional Networks
Click on the event name to read more information about it!
- 5th EuGSC
- Webinar series on Food Chemistry
- 2nd Young Investigator Workshop
- 2021 DAC-EuChemS Lectures Awardees Webinar
- ICCE 2021
The 5th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry (5th EuGSC) will be held online on 26 – 29 September 2021.
Visit the website here.
The 5thEuGSC is a conference of the EuChemS Division of Green and Sustainable Chemistry.
The webinar “Chemistry behind pleasure: exploring aroma quality by multidimensional analytical techniques”, which is part of the webinar series on Food Chemistry will be held online on 22 September, from 15:00 to 16:30 CEST.
The webinar series on Food Chemistry is an online event organised by the EuChemS Division of Food Chemistry.
The 2nd Young Investigator Workshorp will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, from 29 August to 1 September 2021.
The 2nd Young Investigator Workshorp is a conference of the EuChemS Division of Chemistry in Life Sciences.
The Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (EuCOMC XXIV) will be held online on 1 – 3 September 2021.
Visit the website here.
EuCOMC XXIV is a conference of the EuChemS Division of Organometallic Chemistry.
The ‘2021 DAC-EuChemS Lectures Awardees’ webinar will be held on Thursday 16 September 2021, from 11:00 to 13:30 CEST.
The 2021 DAC-EuChemS Lectures Awardees Webinar is an online event organised by the EuChemS Division of Analytical Chemistry.
The international Conference on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE) will be held in Venice, Italy, in 2023.
More information about this conference is available here.
ICCE is a conference of the EuChemS Division of Chemistry and the Environment.
The Awards of the EuChemS Professional Networks
Click on the right side arrow to read more information about the Awards of the EuChemS Professional Networks!
DAC-EuChemS Award
The EuChemS Division of Analytical Chemistry has established the”DAC-EuChemS Award” for sustained contributions to Analytical Chemistry in Europe. This award shall distinguish a European individual who has demonstrated significant and sustained achievements in Analytical Chemistry research or education throughout his/her career.
DNRC Membership
The DNRC Membership is an award of the EuChemS Division of Nuclear and Radio Chemistry. It is designed to honour a person of outstanding merits and long-lasting valuable services for DNRC.
The DNRC Honorary Membership consists of a document which states the acknowledged merits and a right to attend the DNRC Annual Meetings in advisory role.
The DNRC Honorary Membership document may be accompanied by a “Pro Meritis” DNRC medal.
Chemistry Rediscovered
The Young Division of EuChemS, the European Young Chemists’ Network (EYCN), launched the 3rd edition of its video competition Chemistry Rediscovered, which is supported by the Wilkinson Charitable Foundation.
All young chemists and interested people of 12-35 years old are invited to send in their creative videos on the theme “Safety in Chemistry”. Many prizes will be awarded to the best videos – the main prize will be a trip to the 8th EuChemS Chemistry Congress in Lisbon, Portugal.
You have until 30 September 2021 to send your video and to fill out the submission form.
DAC Tribute
The DAC Tribute is an award of the EuChemS Division of Analytical Chemistry.
A “DAC Tribute” is designed to honour a person of outstanding merits and long-lasting valuable services for DAC-EuChemS (DAC-FECS).
European Prize for Organometallic Chemistry
The European Prize for Organometallic Chemistry is an award of the EuChemS Division of Organometallic Chemistry.
The Prize coincides with the EuCOMC where the Prize winner is invited to give a Plenary Lecture. The Prize is awarded for a single piece of outstanding work or for a body of outstanding work primarily done in member countries of the European Union, including Norway, Switzerland, Turkey and Israel.
European Sustainable Chemistry Award
The European Sustainable Chemistry Awardp is an award of the EuChemS Division of Green and Sustainable Chemistry.
The European Sustainable Chemistry Award is intended to be a prestigious scheme which will raise the profile of sustainable chemistry and be a spur to innovation and competitiveness.
Robert Kellner Lecture
The Robert Kellner Lecture is an award of the EuChemS Division of Analytical Chemistry.
This award shall distinguish a person who has made substantial contribution to the advancement of Analytical Chemistry research or education.
Representing more than 160,000 chemists from 50 Member Societies and other chemistry related organisations, EuChemS relies on a unique network of active researchers involved in all the fields of chemistry.
I believe that when EuChemS plays a connecting role between the member societies, this network will become even stronger. It will also enhance collaboration between societies and increase their visibility on the European level. Ideally, becoming an individual member of a national society should be perceived as also becoming a member of the larger European community. Isn’t that an attractive perspective?

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