International Conferences on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE)
17th EuChemS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment
16-20 June 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece
Earlier ICCEs:
ICCE 2017: 16th EuChemS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment
18-22 June 2017, Oslo, Norway.
ICCE 2015: 15th EuChemS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment
20-24 September 2015, Leipzig, Germany
ICCE 2013: 14th EuChemS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment
24-28 June 2013, Barcelona, Spain
ICCE 2011: 13th EuChemS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment
11-15 September 2011, Zürich, Switzerland
Emerging Issues in Environmental Chemistry: from Basic Research to Implementation
ICCE 2009: 12th EuChemS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment
14-17 June 2009, Stockholm, Sweden
Other Meetings:
‘Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Associated with Aqueous Film Forming Foams (AFFF): Chemistry, Remediation, and Regulatory Issues’ – Symposium co-organized with EuChemS DCE at the
ACS 251st National Meeting & Exhibition
13-17 March 2016, San Diego, Calfornia, USA Sediments
Contased 2015: International Conference on Contaminated Sediments
7–13 March 2015, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland